2006 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward, eds. Drawing the Boundaries of Meaning: Neo-Gricean Studies in Pragmatics and Semantics in Honor of Laurence R. Horn. [Studies in Language Companion series, Volume 80.] Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 354 pp.
2004 Horn, Laurence R. and Gregory Ward, eds. The Handbook of Pragmatics. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 847 pp.
2002 Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, in collaboration with Laurie Bauer, Betty J. Birner, Ted Briscoe, Peter Collins, David Denison, David Lee, Anita Mittwoch, Geoffrey Nunberg, Frank Palmer, John Payne, Peter Peterson, Lesley Stirling, and Gregory Ward. The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1860 pp. [Winner of the Linguistic Society of America’s Leonard Bloomfield Book Award for 2001-2003.]
1998 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward. Information Status and Noncanonical Word Order in English. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 314 pp.
1988 Ward, Gregory. The Semantics and Pragmatics of Preposing. [Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics series.] New York: Garland. 272 pp.
Refereed Journal Articles
2018 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward. “The Interaction of Topicalization and Left-Dislocation in English,” to appear in Anglophonia: French Journal of English Linguistics, Volume 28.
2012 Doran, Ryan B., Gregory Ward, Meredith Larson, Yaron McNabb, and Rachel E. Baker. “A Novel Experimental Paradigm for Distinguishing Between ‘What is Said’ and ‘What is Implicated’,” in Language 88:124-154.
2009 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward. “Information Structure and Syntactic Structure,” in Language and Linguistics Compass 3:1167-1187.
2009 Doran, Ryan B., Rachel Baker, Yaron McNabb, Meredith Larson, and Gregory Ward. “On the Non-Unified Nature of Scalar Implicature: An Empirical Investigation,” in International Review of Pragmatics 1:1-38.
2007 Birner, Betty J., Jeffrey P. Kaplan, and Gregory Ward. “Functional Compositionality and the Interaction of Discourse Constraints,” in Language 83:323-349.
2004 Ward, Gregory. “Equatives and Deferred Reference,” in Language 80:262-289.
1996 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward. “A Crosslinguistic Study of Postposing in Discourse,” in Language and Speech: Special Issue on Discourse, Syntax, and Information 39:113-142.
1995 Ward, Gregory and Betty J. Birner. “Definiteness and the English Existential,” in Language 71:722-742.
1995 Hirschberg, Julia and Gregory Ward. “The Interpretation of the High-Rise Question Contour in English,” in Journal of Pragmatics 24:407-412.
1994 McKoon, Gail, Roger Ratcliff, and Gregory Ward. “Testing Theories of Language Processing: An Empirical Investigation of the On-Line Lexical Decision Task,” in Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 20:1219-1228.
1993 McKoon, Gail, Roger Ratcliff, Gregory Ward, and Richard Sproat. “Syntactic Prominence Effects on Discourse Processes,” in Journal of Memory and Language 32:593-607.
1993 McKoon, Gail, Gregory Ward, Roger Ratcliff, and Richard Sproat. “Morphosyntactic and Pragmatic Factors Affecting the Accessibility of Discourse Entities,” in Journal of Memory and Language 32:56-75.
1993 Ward, Gregory and Betty J. Birner. “The Semantics and Pragmatics of and everything,” in Journal of Pragmatics 19:205-214.
1992 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward. “On the Interpretation of VP Inversion in American English,” in Journal of Linguistics 28:1-12.
1992 Hirschberg, Julia and Gregory Ward. “The Influence of Pitch Range, Duration, Amplitude and Spectral Features on the Interpretation of the Rise-Fall-Rise Intonation Contour in English,” in Journal of Phonetics 20:241-251.
1991 Ward, Gregory, Richard Sproat, and Gail McKoon. “A Pragmatic Analysis of So-Called Anaphoric Islands,” in 67:439-474.
1991 Ward, Gregory and Ellen F. Prince. “On the Topicalization of Indefinite NPs,” in Journal of Pragmatics 16:167-177.
1991 Hirschberg, Julia and Gregory Ward. “Accent and Bound Anaphora,” in Cognitive Linguistics 2:101-121.
1991 Ward, Gregory and Julia Hirschberg. “A Pragmatic Analysis of Tautological Utterances,” in Journal of Pragmatics 15:507-520.
1990 Ward, Gregory. “The Discourse Functions of VP Preposing,” in Language 66:742-763.
1985 Ward, Gregory and Julia Hirschberg. “Implicating Uncertainty: The Pragmatics of Fall-Rise Intonation,” in Language 61:747-776.
1983 Ward, Gregory. “A Pragmatic Analysis of Epitomization: Topicalization It’s Not,” in Papers in Linguistics 17:145-161.
Conference/Workshop Proceedings
2017 Salomon, Meghan and Gregory Ward. “Semantic Factors Affecting the Salience of Transfer Verb Arguments,” in Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 2, 2:1‑12.
2017 Doran, Ryan B. and Gregory Ward. “Distal Demonstratives Licensed by Culturally-Familiar Scenarios,” in Proceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 2, 2:1-12.
2016 Ward, Gregory, Christopher Ahern, and Tom Hayden. “An Empirical Investigation of Typicality and Uniqueness Effects on Article Choice in Attributive-Possession NPs,” in Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 36). Pp. 472-487. (Electronic version available at:
2015 Doran, Ryan B. and Gregory Ward. “Demonstratives with Distributed Interpretations,” in Proceedings of the Fifty-First Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 51). Pp. 129-136.
2015 Doran, Ryan B. and Gregory Ward. “Proximate Demonstratives in Predicate NPs,” in Proceedings of the Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 41). Pp. 61-70.
2012 Ward, Gregory. “Brave New Would: Demonstrative Equatives and Information Structure,” in Proceedings of the Forty-First Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2011), Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia. Pp. 140-160.
2008 Ward, Gregory. “Brave New Would,” in Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. [Invited submission] Pp. 81-105.
2008 Kehler, Andrew and Gregory Ward. “Event Reference and Morphological Transparency,” in Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL 2007), University of California – San Diego. Pp. 115-127.
2008 Benus, Stefan, Agustín Gravano, Julia Hirschberg, Elisa Sneed, and Gregory Ward. “The Effect of Prosody and Semantic Modality on the Assessment of Speaker Certainty,” in Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Speech Prosody (SP-2008). Pp. 401-404.
2007 Hirschberg, Julia, Agustín Gravano, Ani Nenkova, Elisa Sneed, and Gregory Ward. “Intonational Overload: Uses of the Downstepped (H* !H* L- L%) Contour in Read and Spontaneous Speech,” in Laboratory Phonology 9, edited by Jennifer Cole and José I. Hualde. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 455-482.
2006 Ward, Gregory. “Comments on ‘Unaccommodating Presuppositions: A NeoGricean View’ by Barbara Abbott.”
1995 Bowdle, Brian and Gregory Ward. “Generic Demonstratives,” in Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Meeting Berkeley Linguistics Society, 32-43. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
1994 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward. “Uniqueness, Familiarity, and the Definite Article in English,” in Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, 93-102. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
1994 Ward, Gregory and Betty J. Birner. “English There-Sentences and Information Status,” in Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Conference and of the Workshop on Discourse, The Israeli Association for Theoretical Linguistics. Pp.165-183.
1993 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward. “There-Sentences and Inversion as Distinct Constructions: A Functional Account,” in Proceedings of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Pp. 27-39. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
1988 Ward, Gregory and Julia Hirschberg. “Intonation and Propositional Attitude: The Pragmatics of L*+H L H%,” in Proceedings of the Fifth Eastern States Conference on Linguistics. Pp. 512-522.
1987 Sproat, Richard and Gregory Ward. “Pragmatic Considerations in Anaphoric Island Phenomena,” in Papers from the Twenty-Third Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Pp. 321-335.
1987 Hirschberg, Julia, Diane Litman, Janet Pierrehumbert, and Gregory Ward. “Intonation and the Intentional Structure of Discourse,” in Proceedings of the International Joint Congress on Artificial Intelligence. Pp. 636-639.
1985 Hirschberg, Julia and Gregory Ward. “Fall-Rise Intonation and the Place of Intonational ‘Meaning’ in Linguistic Theory,” in Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. Pp. 447-458. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
1984 Hirschberg, Julia and Gregory Ward. “A Semantico-Pragmatic Analysis of Fall-Rise Intonation,” in Papers from the Twentieth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. Pp. 173-180.
Book Chapters/Articles
2019 Doran, Ryan B. and Gregory Ward. “Demonstratives Licensed by Cultural Co-presence,” to appear in Papers in Honor of Teresa Fanego, edited by Paloma Núñez Pertego et al. Oxford: Bloomsbury Publishing.
2019 Doran, Ryan B. and Gregory Ward. “A Taxonomy of Uses of Demonstratives,” in The Oxford Handbook of Reference, edited by Barbara Abbott and Jeanette Gundel. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 236-259.
2017 Ward, Gregory, Betty J. Birner, and Elsi Kaiser. “Pragmatics and Information Structure,” in The Oxford Handbook of Pragmatics, edited by Yan Huang. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 567-589. [Also available in electronic format in Oxford Handbooks Online, edited by Yan Huang <>.]
2011 Ward, Gregory and Betty J. Birner. “Discourse Effects of Word Order Variation,” in Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning, Volume 2 (HSK 33.2), edited by Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn, and Paul Portner. Berlin/Boston: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 1934-1963.
2009 Larson, Meredith, Ryan B. Doran, Yaron McNabb, Rachel Baker, Matthew Berends, Alex Djalali, and Gregory Ward. “Distinguishing the Said from the Implicated Using a Novel Experimental Paradigm,” in Semantics and Pragmatics: From Experiment to Theory, edited by Uli Sauerland and Kazuko Yatsushiro. Berlin: Palgrave MacMillan. Pp. 74-93.
2008 Ward, Gregory. “Equatives and Deferred Reference,” in Reference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Jeanette K. Gundel and Nancy Hedberg. New Directions in Cognitive Science series. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Pp. 73-92.
2007 Ward, Gregory, Jeffrey P. Kaplan, and Betty J. Birner. “Epistemic Would, Open Propositions, and Truncated Clefts,” in The Grammar-Pragmatics Interface, edited by Nancy Hedberg and Ron Zacharski. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. 77-90.
2006 Kehler, Andrew and Gregory Ward. “Referring Expressions and Conversational Implicature,” in Drawing the Boundaries of Meaning: Neo-Gricean Studies in Pragmatics and Semantics in Honor of Laurence R. Horn, edited by Betty J. Birner and Gregory Ward. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. 183-200.
2006 Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward. “Information Structure,” in The Handbook of English Linguistics, edited by Bas Aarts and April McMahon. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Pp. 291-317.
2005 Ward, Gregory and Andrew Kehler. “Syntactic Form and Discourse Accessibility,” in Anaphora Processing: Linguistic, Cognitive and Computational Modelling, edited by António Branco, Tony McEnery, and Ruslan Mitkov. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, vol. 263. Pp. 365-384.
2004 Ward, Gregory and Betty J. Birner. “Information Structure and Noncanonical Syntax,” in The Handbook of Pragmatics, edited by Laurence R. Horn and Gregory Ward. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Pp. 153-174.
2004 Kehler, Andrew and Gregory Ward. “Constraints on Ellipsis and Event Reference,” in The Handbook of Pragmatics, edited by Laurence R. Horn and Gregory Ward. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Pp. 383-403.
2003 Ward, Gregory, Betty J. Birner, and Jeffrey P. Kaplan. “A Pragmatic Analysis of the Epistemic Would Construction in English,” in Modality in Contemporary English, edited by Roberta Facchinetti, Manfred Krug, and Frank Palmer. [Topics in English Linguistics 44, General Editors: Bernd Kortmann and Elizabeth Closs Traugott.] Berlin/New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 71-79.
2002 Ward, Gregory, Betty Birner, and Rodney Huddleston. “Information packaging,” Chapter 16 of The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, by Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum et al. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Pp. 1363-1447.
2001 Ward, Gregory and Betty J. Birner. “Discourse and Information Structure,” in The Handbook of Discourse Analysis, edited by Deborah Schiffrin, Deborah Tannen, and Heidi E. Hamilton. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Pp. 119-137.
1999 Kehler, Andrew and Gregory Ward. “On the Semantics and Pragmatics of ‘Identifier so’,” in The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface from Different Points of View, edited by Ken Turner. [Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface series, Volume I.] Amsterdam: Elsevier. Pp. 233-256.
1999 Horn, Laurence R. and Gregory Ward. “Pragmatics,” in The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, edited by Robert A. Wilson and Frank Keil. Cambridge: MIT Press. Pp. 661-664.
1999 Ward, Gregory. “A Comparison of Postposed Subjects in English and Italian,” in Function and Structure, edited by Akio Kamio and Ken-ichi Takami. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. 3-21.
1997 Ward, Gregory. “The Battle over Anaphoric ‘Islands’: Syntax vs. Pragmatics,” in Directions in Functional Linguistics, edited by Akio Kamio. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pp. 199-219.
1996 Ward, Gregory and Betty J. Birner. “On the Discourse Function of Rightward Movement in English,” in Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language, edited by Adele Goldberg. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. Pp. 463-479.
1992 Ward, Gregory and Betty J. Birner. “VP Inversion and Aspect in Written Texts,” in Cooperating with Written Texts: The Pragmatics and Comprehension of Written Texts, edited by Dieter Stein. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Pp. 575-588.